`49°10'49"N by 122°34'08"W <http://maps.google.com/maps?q=49%C2%B010'49.38%22N%20122%C2%B034'08.02%22W&t=h>`__
It's been such fun for me, this summer I've been on a series of several "dates" with church people -- Auntie "A", guys from small group, pastors, etc. -- spending casual, unhurried, one-on-one time with no agenda other than to get to know one another better, to "hear your story". I've had a blast, learned a lot, gained an appreciation for people, became better equipped to see things from their perspective, learned how to pray more specifically for them. I think it's really helped me develop that "splagchna" -- translated "tenderness" in Philippians 2:1, a gut emotional compassion for one another. It makes it much harder to pre-judge or stereotype people, and I think it makes it a lot easier to serve together in the church. Plus, it's just a lot of fun! Of course, things get more complicated when it's with a single woman -- although I wish that it weren't so!
Dave and I aren't in the same small group, so although we see each other often at church, we haven't ever had a chance to chat one-on-one -- until today! Here we are on the tiny little Albion Ferry. We had lunch close by in Fort Langley and just walked on (free ride!) and took the short ride over to Maple Ridge (the Fraser River is so narrow, the ferry practically just turns around to reach the other side!). The ferry offered a little respite from the voracious mosquitoes!