Mandarin CNY at Fraserlands

Posted by seanho on Sun 18 February 2007

Apologies, it seems like I've only been updating on the weekends! My workweek isn't spectacularly blog-worthy, mostly just lecture preparation, me staring at the computer!

This weekend was nice, though, as I got to hang out with the Fraserlands Mandarin young-adult "Seed" fellowship: really cool guys and girls there, with such fervent hearts for the Lord! Since Valentine's Day was last week, they asked me to come to their Friday night fellowship to speak on love. Yipes, that's a topic I sure feel underqualified to speak on! But Scripture does have so much to teach us all about love, so I took them through 1 John 41 Corinthians 13Colossians 3:12-19, and even a bit of Song of Songs -- in hopes that the more they heard of God's Word, the less they'd have to listen to my word!

We had a great time together, and they are just so welcoming! It's so refreshing to be greeted with, "I'm glad to see you!", rather than, "What are you doing here?". They invited my mom and I to their Chinese New Year lunch and celebration today after church; here Monica is all dressed up in her traditional headdress and whatnot, singing in this wicked cool traditional Chinese style, lilting notes and spoken asides and everything. All we needed was an er-hu to complete the picture!

tags: ministry, vcac,