Mountain View cemetery

Posted by seanho on Sat 23 September 2006

Wow, what a gorgeous day! We know full well that autumn is nearly upon us, but we'll make the most of this welcome indian summer! Today, after helping out at Noel's fun guitar workshop, I had about half an hour to kill before helping Steve move out of his parents' basement (and into someone else's basement!). Occasionally, I'll go to cemeteries in the daytime to think and pray and relax -- ha ha, it's not morbid, just peaceful! It's amazing how quiet it is here, even in the midst of the bustle and traffic of the city. The history is cool to read, too: this big cross marks the Harrison family grave; seven family members are buried here, spanning over a century from 1850 to 1952. The only other (living) person there was a man sitting under that big tree on the right, eating his lunch by a grave. I wasn't sure if it was the touching scene of a widower reminiscing of sharing a meal with his young wife, or just a random guy eating lunch...

tags: sabbath,