Pastor Larry+Esther's wedding

Posted by seanho on Sat 26 August 2006

Our VCAC youth pastor Larry has been with us for a couple years now and has a great heart for the teens; he's a real asset to the church community. I hadn't met Esther before today, but she's been leading worship at other churches for many years now, and it seems like she comes from a terrific family. Today we celebrated their wedding in a wonderful worship service at Fraserlands! I liked how the whole focus was not so much on Larry+Esther as it was on God and giving glory to Him for bringing together a devoted couple. Even the music when the bride walked down the aisle was not the traditional Lohengrin bridal chorus, but rather the contemporary hymn, "My Tribute" -- "to God be the glory, for the things He has done"! The exhortation by the bride's father (and translated entertainingly by her little brother) was really sweet, and I also thought the foot-washing ceremony was very touching -- yeah, the whole wedding was really quite moving....

tags: vcac, wedding,