Touring SFU campus with Alma

Posted by seanho on Thu 10 August 2006

My colleague and friend Alma finished her Ph.D. here at Simon Fraser University just last year, so she still has a lot of good contacts in the computer science department. SFU has the second-largest CS department in Canada, second only to U Waterloo, so they have a lot more resources than TWU does, we with our grand total of four full-time faculty members in CS! We listened to an interview talk by world-renowned medical image analyst Baba Vemuri, had lunch with a Alma's friends Veronica and Kim, and briefly toured the famous terraced-mountaintop architecture on campus, designed by Arthur Erickson. Yes, I believe the Quad in the background of this picture was used by "Battlestar Galactica" for a busy pre-Cylon Caprica City.

tags: twu,