Worship service in the garage

Posted by seanho on Sat 19 August 2006

Today was a good day. I stopped worrying about what areas of ministry to get involved in at church, as if it would define me or earn me credentials in the eyes of the church. I will serve, but it'll be for the right reasons, by God's calling, and not out of guilt or obligation or even just "the need". In the meantime, the more quality time I spend with God, the better equipped I am to encourage and reach out to everyone I come across, building up relationships and crossing barriers.

This afternoon, this was my church sanctuary, lying on my workout bench, with praise and worship music wafting from my car's stereo a few feet away. The sermon was simply God's Word: I read the entire book of Hosea and dwelt on its message of hope and undeserved compassion. We who were rebellious and not God's people, He now callsĀ "Ammi": "my people". We who had not received compassion, He now callsĀ "Ruhamah": "those who have received compassion". Hosea's whole life, marriage, and family were all one big message God used to speak to the people. His life was very dramatic, but I have to say I hope my marriage isn't as extreme as Hosea's! It was so refreshing, though, to sit and pray and meditate on God's Word for two hours. Afterward I went upstairs to my guitar and sang my heart out with hymns and praise songs of response. Now I'm ready for corporate worship tomorrow morning!