Sean's photoblog

Now a family of three...

CCM youth camp: Camp Luther

CCM's youth leadership camp at Camp Luther! Surrounded by water and nestled amongst the rolling hills of the Fraser Valley in ...

CCM youth camp: group games

CCM's youth leadership camp at Camp Luther! This is the first night, so to help everyone get to know each other, David is leading us ...

Praying at Burnaby Foreshore

I'm looking forward to this coming weekend's youth leadership camp run by Posted by seanho on Thu 02 August 2007

CCM at Crystal Mall

Today we had a planning meeting for CCM's upcoming youth leadership ...

Albion Ferry with Dave

`49°10'49"N by 122°34'08"W ...

email about homosexuality

Apologies, I haven't blogged in a while; last weekend was pretty packed! I think speaking is less work than coordinating, being MC, ...

Lunch with Auntie "A"

Pastor Peter at KS has been very kind to me, showing caring concern for me as I've tried to find a place in VCAC. He recommended that ...

Bible study at Memorial Park

One of the nice things about Jon's small group is that we meet on Sundays at 3pm, which means that folks are free to help out with ...

"Portion control"

It's beautiful, sunny, and breezy today, perfect for a light brunch out on the balcony! No fellowships or small groups or meetings ...

Kittens at SVPG small group

Tonight I had the opportunity to sit in on Posted by seanho on Fri 06 July 2007

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