Tag church

Trout Lake after church

*sigh*, so tired... today was a rather long day at church, with a lengthy (though interesting) congregational ...

Kalanchoe from BAC

Ohhhh, I am sooo tired lately! And a bit bummed, too. I suppose the one affects the other. Here's the little splash of colour I have ...

Burnaby Pacific Grace Church

This morning was fun; my friend Josh invited me to visit his church up on the north side of Burnaby! I was quite impressed with ...

Chosen by the King

With a few hours to kill while waiting for the Canadian consulate to do its thing, I went for a nice stroll through downtown Seattle. ...

Those with vision initiate

The following is copied from an email I just sent a friend in regard to ministry at church. My thoughts are still formulating and ...

Bruce Milne at MissionsFest

I first heard Dr. Milne guest speaking at Lord's Grace church in Vancouver and was immediately impressed with his passionate and ...

Park near Burnaby Public Library

Mmm... well, I'm feeling upbeat today; the past couple of weeks have been quite encouraging and hopeful at church! This morning's ...

Sunset clouds; cloudy thoughts

Hmm, well I'm kinda bummed today, to be honest, though I don't really know why. This morning at church I sat in on the Mandarin ...

Worship service in the garage

Today was a good day. I stopped worrying about what areas of ministry to get involved in at church, as if it would define me or earn ...

Sunday School with Linda on hermeneutics

English Sunday school at Fraserlands tends not to be terribly well-attended, mostly because it's at 9:15am rather than 11am as it ...

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